Once upon a time, the idea of being Directors of our own interior design firm was a pipe dream that felt somewhat out of reach.
We both knew that interior design was an industry that appealed to us, of course. But the reality of being paid to design other peoples’ homes as our ‘proper job’ felt so far-fetched… especially when we were students yet to embark on our careers!
For that reason, we’ve shared 6 tips for aspiring interior designers below, should you (or someone you know) be looking to start a career in this industry.

1. Go into interior design for the right reasons (it’s not as glamorous as certain shows make it out to be!)
We’ve lost count of the number of times that we’ve been asked if our job is like ’60 minute makeover’ and ‘Grand Designs’. To clear up any confusion, we can safely say that it’s not! In fact, 90% of our job is made up of anything-but-glamorous jobs like costing, procurement, chasing invoices, ordering samples.. the list goes on! With that in mind, our first piece of advice is to make sure that you’re going into this industry for the right reasons and brace yourself for a lot of admin! As two people who are passionate about transformation and design, we love the satisfaction that comes hand-in-hand with following a project through from concept through to completion. For that reason, the admin involved is (mostly!) worth it.

2. Back up your interior design degree with ‘real world’ work experience
Between us, we have a degree in ‘Interior Architecture’ from the University for the Creative Arts (Danielle) and a degree in ‘Interior Design and Decoration’ from Solent University (Emily) but there’s nothing quite like real, hands-on work experience when it comes to learning about Interior Design. Yes, degrees are great for learning about CAD designs and design theory (not to mention nights out and meeting friends for life!) but we’re both in agreement that it’s the work experience that each of us did outside of our degrees that shaped us into the interior designers that we are today. With that in mind, with the summer holidays in full swing, now’s a great time to reach out to interior designers or property development firms that you admire and ask to shadow them for a few weeks.
Be specific about your goals (for instance, ‘my dream is to have my own interior design firm based in the Somerset countryside that specialises in fresh, modern country design for residential properties’) whilst staying open to opportunities and being willing to get stuck in. If they’re anything like us, they’ll be grateful for the additional support and you’ll be rewarded with valuable skills and hands-on experience to use going forward. Remember that these days not every design company will require you to have a degree, yes it can help but if you come with a background of work experience and a positive attitude to learn this will really help propel you ahead in the application process.
3. Always keep on top of emerging industry trends, designers and brands
In our opinion, the more insight and understanding you have about the interior design industry, the better interior designer you’re going to be. Why? Because you’ll be better equipped to find the latest products, price effectively, stay inspired, work with the best in the business and know where you sit within the industry (which keeps you on your toes!) For that reason, whether it’s via showroom visits and trade shows or good old word of mouth, we’re constantly keeping an eye on what’s out there and staying on top of new and emerging trends and brands (even if those trends and brands don’t align with our personal tastes!)

4. Don’t try and be everything to everyone
One of the biggest mistakes that we see budding interior designers make is that of jumping on every single interior design trend that comes along and trying to be everything to everyone. We should know because we were tempted to try a little bit of everything in the early days of our career, too! Our business really started to take off when we honed in on the style that we love – the style that you see today. Yes, it means that you won’t be for everyone. That being said, you’ll attract clients that love your style and are much more likely to love the projects that you work on for that reason!
5. Your attitude is everything
When you’re first starting out, remember that your attitude is everything and has the potential to open (or close!) doors. With that in mind, make connections, get stuck in, stay vigilant, don’t be afraid to ask questions and be willing to put the work in. As interior designers, you’re not just dealing with clients. You’re managing contractors, deliveries and tradespeople throughout the project… Having a positive, solutions-focused attitude will ensure that you build a strong reputation and it’s that reputation that will help you in the long-run.

6. Back yourself
Finally, remember that this world is full of people going after their dreams. If becoming an interior designer is your dream, back yourself, keep the above tips in mind and go and show the world what you’re made of!
If you’re an aspiring interior designer reading this now, please do feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions and we’ll do our very best to try and help if we can.

In the meantime, catch up on last month’s blog here if you’re looking for easy ways to add character to your new build home.
Next month – though we’re biased, admittedly – we’ll be breaking down why hiring interior designers is worth the investment!
Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer and speak soon!